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  in  🔶 refeel-yogis
July 25

I wanted to share a short Q&A from the YouTube comments, in case any of you will find it helpful:

Q: I have just stumbled upon you (Refeel Yoga). Interesting. Would I be able to have a kundalini awakening when I follow your stuff? What can I realistically expect? I have kind of given up on Kundalini Awakening because I think that there is a lot of BS out there about it. I am not saying you :) but many people just mislead you. I am looking forward to your response. Thank you

A: I will try to be as brief and concise as I can be, as this questions is the subject matter of an entire course You're absolutely correct, there is a lot of misunderstanding as to what Kundalini is, and what a Kundalini Awakening is.

The first thing that is essential to understand is, there is no alteration or expansion of consciousness without Kundalini. There is no spirituality without Kundalini. In any moment where one experiences a higher state of consciousness, be that an altered perspective on life, an epiphany moment, the grace of God, love of Jesus, Shunya, Void, spiritual ecstasy, etc., it is due to the Kundalini awakening and moving to one of the Chakras. Kundalini Awakening is not always how it is displayed in public media, as shaking and convulsing, the eyes rolling up into the skull, shots of electricity, etc. This is only one very narrow bandwith of what a Kundalini Awakening can be - and honestly, it's very far from the desired experience of Kundalini Awakening.

The true aim of Awakening Kundalini is the expansion of consciousness. And how one experiences such expansion depends on what one's regular level of consciousness is. For those who are very materialistic, smaller, more gradual awakenings are preferred, as leaping too far into a subtle experience of reality can be shocking. For those who already have a higher degree of awareness, it will be much more comfortable to go into higher states, as detachment from the body and mind will not propose as much challenge.

As to your question, will the practices we teach here at Refeel Yoga awaken your Kundalini, it all depends on how earnestly you practice them. They 100% have the potential to awaken Kundalini and raise your level of consciousness. This is the science of Kundalini Yoga; working with the Chakras, to understand the the subtle energy, the different levels of consciousness and receiving the appropriate tools to know how to direct your energy and navigate through the different layers of experience.

I hope that helps 🙏

  in  🔶 refeel-yogis
June 13
Peaceful Evenings: 30 Day Chillout Yoga Challenge
28 %
30 Days to Decompress: Evening Chillout Yoga
22 %
30 Days of Chillout Yoga for Stress Relief
6 %
Blissful Evenings: 30 Day Chillout Yoga for Peace & Calm
50 %
18 votes
  in  🔶 refeel-yogis
July 01

Hello Andrew & Clelia!

At the beginning of the year, I made a resolution to practice Refeel Kundalini every day and (with the exception of a few sick days) yesterday I completed six months of daily practice! I am 56 years old and I am the healthiest and happiest I have ever been.  

Physically, my posture is better and I have more flexibility. I can sit in half-lotus pose now.  Mentally, my concentration has improved and I can more easily transform negative thoughts into positive ones.  Emotionally, the stresses of daily life are less stressful. Spiritually, I have enjoyed some magical moments of dissolution into the universal consciousness.

I am so grateful to you, Andrew and Clelia, for creating Refeel Yoga and to all the Refeel Yogis. I love reading everyone's comments on and experiences with these practices. I am in the middle of JTTC - Expansion and just loving it. I am excited to see what the next six months will bring!

In closing, I want to share a poem I learned in a yoga class long ago.  It sums up perfectly how I am feeling these days.

I am happy even before I have a reason.

I am filled with light even before the sun greets the moon.

Dearly Beloved, we have been in love with the Divine for so very, very long.

What can we do now but forever dance.

With much love and appreciation,

Elizabeth xoxo

  in  🔶 refeel-yogis
July 17

Andrew and Celia,

I'm really not even sure how to ask this question....

I have been on a spiritual journey for a few years now and I have noticed that the majority of people in the spiritual and universal community are women. We all know that there needs to be a ying and a yang with the divine masculine and the divine feminine within all of us to achieve a heightened vibration. Have you ever made a class or could you make a class that is focused on the divine masculine and the practices needed for a man to elevate his consciousness? I really feel it's important for us to awaken more men in this world and I look to you for feedback and teachings on what this could look like. 

With complete gratitude, love and light! 🙏☀️🌙


  in  🔶 refeel-yogis
July 19

I had to take some time to send out gratitude and thanks to Andrew & Clelia. (I hope you won’t be offended) 

I started my journey with them well over 2 years ago I believe after  I was led to one of their vids on YouTube after a health scare I had. 

Through their amazing energy and masterful way of teaching Kundalini I was eventually led to breathwork where i eventually became a Soma Certified Breathwork Instructor. Without them I would not be on this amazing journey. We’re so blessed to have access to you both and the knowledge you purvey. 

One of the amazing things I’ve loved on this journey is learning how thousand + year old pranayama and kundalini technique benefits are now being proven by modern science. 

For Instance chanting “Aum” activates our vagus nerve. This helps take us out of fight/flight (sympathetic nervous system) putting us into rest/digest mode (parasympathetic nervous system)! Practicing Mula Bandha not only helps (among other things) strengthen our pelvic region it creates a positive stress response which helps create adaptability and resilience. So many other benefits to! 

Crazy to think without all the modern science and gadgets these yogis were able to create these techniques that we are enjoying millennia later! 

Again I’m so grateful to you both! 

Thank you for letting me post. 

  in  🔶 refeel-yogis
July 16

I used to follow a guy and he had 30 minutes sessions in the morning. Perfect for us who have a travel day. Cant fint anything like that here - like a 30 day challagne for 30 minuts a day.

  in  🔶 refeel-yogis
May 21


Tomorrow, May 22, we celebrate Clelia’s 44th birthday! To mark this special occasion, we’re offering our community a 44% discount on all Journey Through the Chakras courses!

🎁 Special Birthday Offer:

  • Discount: 44% off

  • Duration: 1 day only, ending on May 23

  • Coupon Code: BIRTHDAY44

Whether you’re looking to begin your journey with our Foundation level, dive deeper into emotional liberation with Transformation, or reach new heights of consciousness with Expansion, now is the perfect time to start.

Don’t miss out! This incredible offer is available only for today, so take advantage while you can.

Note: Limit one coupon per customer.

  in  🔶 refeel-yogis
May 02

An Update on Kundalini Ascension

Hello beautiful Refeel Yogis 🥰
I'm so happy to see how many of you have already started Kundalini Ascension! I'm super excited to share this latest program with you and have a lot of faith there will be some big transformations over the next 30 days 💗

I wanted to let you know that I have adjusted the release time, setting each class to release 12 hours earlier, at 2am here in Thailand (ICT). This is so all of our brothers and sisters outside of North America can wake up first thing in the morning and start the practice.

Wishing you all the highest of vibrations ✨

  in  🔶 refeel-yogis
April 23
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We're back from our trip to Japan 🇯🇵

Hello Refeel Yogis! We've just returned from our holiday, we spent the last 10 days in Japan. We visited Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka... and I think I've never walked so much in my life! 😂 Every day we were there we walked over 20,000 steps! (my feet are still sore!)

But it was amazing! It was so nice to see and experience a new culture. Japan really has this strong energy of both Manipura and Vishuddha Chakras - which we love! - there is this very powerful feeling of honour and respect there, tradition, structure, discipline, as well as a deep appreciation of the arts and aesthetics.

Especially for me, (Andrew) Japan was a totally different vibe than what I grew up in, a small easy going, free-spirited mountain town in the Canadian Rockies.

I've attached a few pictures, if you want to check them out. I don't intend to flood the whole community section with our photos 😝 But if you want to see more, you can check out our Instagram or Facebook pages. We will make some more posts about our trip there.

So what now?

Well now it's the time to go full power back into creating amazing classes for the people we adore most, YOU, our beautiful community!

It's time for another 30 DAY CHALLENGE!!! (read that really bold and impressive, in a deep voice, with a little bit of an echo 🤣)

In the next days, while I am recording and editing, Clelia will be working on the graphics, thumbnails etc. So once we have some images to present to you, you will hear more about it. Just know that if you enjoyed the last 30 DAY CHALLENGE!!! (did you read it right), Kundalini Beginnings, you're going to LOVE this one 😉😉

We love you all so much! And want to express our gratitude to each of you for your patience, for sticking around, keeping up your practice and keeping our community alive, even in our absence.

I will be getting back to each of your comments and questions today - it is my highest priority! - and if you have any more you want to ask, or if anyone is in need of some extra support in any way, know that you can always reach out to us 💝

With so much love and gratitude, 
Andrew & Clelia

  in  🔶 refeel-yogis
May 16

Hello Andrew!

I am on day 15 of the Kundalini Power Boost and feel the change within me as I go more within and build this ability to feel my energy. Thank you, very much appreciated. I had a question for you and wanted to see if you had any recommendations. I tend to hold a lot of tension in my jaw, find myself clenching throughout the day and end up with a small clicking sound. Do you have any suggestions for how to release this tension?