March 05

Dear Refeel Yogis,

In my latest class, "A Complete Full Body & Mind Yoga Session", I went a bit crazy and ended up recording a 2 hour class ๐Ÿ˜‚

It includes a bit of everything: Kundalini Warms Ups, Surya Namaskar, Vinyasa, Long Form Asana, Pranayama and Music Meditation.

I enjoyed putting this class together, and even went a bit out of my comfort zone by including some Vinyasa styles practices in the middle. But I'm curious to know what do you think?

Is 2 hours too long? I realize that for many people, finding a 2 hour window of free time can be challenging. Is there anyone here who really appreciates these extended classes?

Let me know! I will be interested to hear any of your feedback ๐Ÿ’

With love,


A Complete Full Body and Mi...

A Complete Full Body and Mind Yoga SessionThis extended class...