March 15
• Edited (Mar 15, 2024)

Did you know about this feature?
In case you haven't explored this part of the website yet, I wanted to let you know about the "Filters" feature.

This is essentially the place where you can search for a specific type of class, based on the Style, Duration or Chakra Focus on the class.

Check out the video below to see my short breakdown.

  • If you did know about this already, let me know ✅

  • If you didn't know about this feature, let me know 🚫

And if you have any suggestions for other filter categories that you think could be helpful in refining your search, definitely let me know 🙏

We're always trying to come up with new ways to make the best possible resource for all things Yoga, for you, our wonderful community 💝

Have a beautiful day everyone!


Website Feature