Hello Andrew & Clelia!

At the beginning of the year, I made a resolution to practice Refeel Kundalini every day and (with the exception of a few sick days) yesterday I completed six months of daily practice! I am 56 years old and I am the healthiest and happiest I have ever been.  

Physically, my posture is better and I have more flexibility. I can sit in half-lotus pose now.  Mentally, my concentration has improved and I can more easily transform negative thoughts into positive ones.  Emotionally, the stresses of daily life are less stressful. Spiritually, I have enjoyed some magical moments of dissolution into the universal consciousness.

I am so grateful to you, Andrew and Clelia, for creating Refeel Yoga and to all the Refeel Yogis. I love reading everyone's comments on and experiences with these practices. I am in the middle of JTTC - Expansion and just loving it. I am excited to see what the next six months will bring!

In closing, I want to share a poem I learned in a yoga class long ago.  It sums up perfectly how I am feeling these days.

I am happy even before I have a reason.

I am filled with light even before the sun greets the moon.

Dearly Beloved, we have been in love with the Divine for so very, very long.

What can we do now but forever dance.

With much love and appreciation,

Elizabeth xoxo