April 10

Namaste beautiful, Refeel Yoga community!

We hope you are all doing well and have been staying strong and patient and peaceful through this time of the eclipse ☀️♈︎

It's been a strong time, energetically, and this is the best time where we can come back to the practice. To remember to come back to our centre, to come back to being conscious and present and doing our best to choose our actions, with intention, rather than being reactive. Take a moment for your Self. You deserve it and your future Self will thank you for it 💗

I wanted to let you know that Celia and I will be going away for the next 10 days and we're leaving our computers behind - stepping away from technology for a moment - to have some time with just us. (Sort of a belated birthday present for me 😉)

There will still be new classes releasing for you in the coming days - we've pre-recorded some great ones! - but we will be less responsive in terms of your comments and posts in the community section here.

I promise, as soon as we return, all of your questions, comments and everything will be responded to. We really look forward to hearing from you when we get back. We wish you all the best and send you so much love and appreciation. See you in 10 days 💝

P.S. Make sure you've got some spare time and extra aspiration for May 😉😉