November 17, 2023
• Edited (Nov 17, 2023)

We're Back!

After 6 weeks in Canada, visiting family and celebrating Granny's 83rd birthday, we're finally back in Thailand!

This picture is from our short layover in Japan - what can I say? I'm a millennial and I grew up with Pokèmon 😅

Anyways, I wanted to give you guys the big update. We are now in the process of finding our new home and setting up a Yoga studio here in Bangkok. We're so excited to have something more stable, a dedicated space for creating content, classes, courses and more. 

We hope to start up some live programs over Zoom, to interact with you guys even more. We've got the third level of our Journey Through the Chakras coming out next month, which I know many of you have been eagerly waiting for!

And in the nearest future we will be announcing our Black Friday Sale, starting next Friday, November 24-27. If you've had your eyes on any of our courses to deepen your practice over the winter season, or if you want to give a gift of transformation to a special someone for the Holidays, this will be your opportunity to invest in growth 💝

More info will come as the sale day approaches.
For now I want to say thank you so much for being a part of this community. Every day I look forward to opening up our e-mail and seeing all the beautiful messages from each of you.  It's impossible to put into words how much of a blessing it is for us to be able to share the Yogic path with you.

Keep sharing your questions, comments, love and light with us!

With so much love and gratitude,
Andrew & Clelia