Elizabeth Marlow

San Anselmo, CA, United States

What a great day - I started and ended it with Refeel Yoga!  It is always more challenging for me to keep my clear at the end of the day than at the beginning but this class was very calming after a long day. thank you, Andrew! xoxo

Apr 25 at 06:31 PM

thank you so much, Andrew! A little pranayama goes a long way! xoox

Commented on Day 16: Ajña Chakra

Apr 24 at 05:40 PM

Hi Andrew, thank you so much for another lovely series of asana!  the balancing on the toes was challenging! But this a great set for when I need a "pick me up" or a "calm me down". xoxo

Apr 23 at 06:13 PM

Hi Andrew, Thank you for Peak Pose. I will do it this week-end!  For the chakra journey, my plan is to do the whole shebang, but I am going to start with your Expansion course. It is calling me. For the last several months I have been having these "visions". They only last a few seconds but they are so powerful and clarifying.  I believe the Expansion course will help me understand and deepen these experiences.  Looking forward to getting started and to enjoying this moment right now! xoxo


Apr 23 at 06:04 PM

Andrew & Clelia I am so glad your trip was wonderful.  Mine was too.  The pranayama was a perfect "Kundalini travel kit".  :)



Apr 23 at 06:02 PM

I wish you a beautiful day too, Andrew! xoxo

Commented on Day 14: A Strong Heart

Apr 22 at 05:27 PM

thank you, Andrew! xoxo

Apr 16 at 07:32 PM

thank you Andrew! Loved this one and just what I needed this morning. I will be away for the next four days without access to my computer.  So I will be doing the pranayama sequence you taught us in the last class each day. I hope you are having a wonderful time on your vacation! xoxo

Apr 15 at 05:33 PM

thank you,Andrew! xoxo

Apr 14 at 11:50 PM

I enjoyed it! I love this pranayama routine and will be incorporating more and more into my daily life.  It's got a bit of everything and I can make each practice longer or shorter depending on the time I have. thank you, Andrew! xoxo