Elizabeth Marlow

San Anselmo, CA, United States

Sep 08 at 07:57 PM

Hello Andrew,

thank you for this wonderful class. I really enjoyed your opening words.  Any time we work on manipura, I am reminded of the lines from the poem, "If" by Rudyard Kipling:

If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew

to serve your turn long after they are gone.

And hold on, when there is nothing left in you

except The Will, which says to them, "hold on".


Commented on Pituitary Gland Series

Sep 03 at 12:02 AM

Hi Andrew, I paired this class today with your most recent class on mental flexibility - very powerful.  What surprised me was the clearing of Svadisthana chakra.  My second chakra feels so light and purified. I experienced the feeling of pure joy and desire (without clinging) and the expansion of that sensation throughout the rest of my physical and subtle bodies - pure pleasure!  

Thank you so much for these practices.  And, I think your retreat is coming up. I am sending you, Clelia, and all the participants lots of love and best wishes for a wonderful time!


Sep 01 at 01:15 AM

Hi Andrew, Refeel Yoga is always tracking where I am in my life! It is stunning.  I do another practice called Gene Keys and right now I am working on releasing old mental patterns to get more in touch with the universal love.  And, of course, this class was just what I needed!  I loved the monkey sounds.  It gave me such a smile. And I feel wonderful!

thank you and xoxo

Hi Andrew, lovely class! A lot of my favorite poses! xoxo

Aug 29 at 08:17 AM

Hi Clelia, I did the 11 days of 4 U kriya. Wow!  What a powerful practice! I feel so different, so much more open to universal love, so much more accepting of Life and my capacity to let go, especially within my most challenging relationships, has expanded.  My lower back feels SO strong too!  I am so happy to have this Kriya as a part of my practice now. thank you! thank you! 



Aug 19 at 01:03 AM

Thank you Andrew and Clelia! I love this channel! xoxo

Aug 19 at 01:01 AM

Thank you for this wonderful class, Clelia. It was just I needed today as I have been feeling anxious recently. I am going to do the "4 U Kriya" as suggested for the next 11 days and see what magic happens! 


ps - I like your purple look! :)

Aug 16 at 05:54 PM

Hello Andrew! I hope you and Clelia had a wonderful retreat and digital detox.  First,.  CONGRATULATIONS on reaching 50K Youtube subscribers!!!  When I discovered your channel over a year ago, you were at 36K. Incredible!  

I want to let you know this class helped me refine my intention.  I have been working on expanding the beautiful feeling of dissolution within my physical form throughout my daily life, not as an escape but as a way to be more present. Yet, this intention felt incomplete.  After this class, I realized I want to dissolve into universal love throughout the day - at my desk, with my co-workers, family members, strangers on the street. The addition of universal love to this intention makes it feel so much more complete and magical.  I think of that mantra: I am consciousness and bliss without form. I am shiva.

thank you and xoxo

Commented on Nabhi Kriya Level 2

Aug 11 at 01:35 AM

still so powerful for me! I adding this to my regular rotation. xoxo

Aug 08 at 05:59 PM

Yay for digital detox! Have a terrific time! xoxo
