Elizabeth Marlow

San Anselmo, CA, United States

Commented on Day 12: Levelling Up

Mar 15 at 07:23 AM

thank you for this lovely practice, Andrew. I love Nadi Shodhana.  It opens up my sinuses - I am realizing through this challenge how blocked my sinuses are!


Mar 14 at 10:10 AM

Andrew & Clelia. Yes, I do all three.  The mouth/mouth wim hof gives me the most consciousness-expanding experience but I do love the feeling of having my sinuses cleared and balanced with the nose/nose and nose/mouth. xoxo


Mar 14 at 10:08 AM

Hi Andrew, I just shared this practice with one of my best friends under the redwood trees of Big Sur by a babbling creek.  It was magical! xoxo

Mar 12 at 11:41 PM

Hi Andrew, very clear and simple explanation of this kind of breathing.  I have a chronically runny nose and I think I found the cure!

thank you and xoxo!

Mar 11 at 05:50 PM

Andrew & Clelia have a wonderful visit with your friend! xoxo


Mar 11 at 05:49 PM

thank you for another great lesson,Andrew. I have integrated the belly breathing into my day to day life and I do feel much calmer. xoxo

Mar 09 at 06:45 PM

Andrew & Clelia Indeed! :)

Mar 09 at 06:44 PM

thank you, Andrew! hope you and Clelia are having a wonderful week-end!


Mar 09 at 10:25 AM

wow! what a fabulous class, Andrew!  I enjoyed each section and the music meditation was delicious. I opened my eyes to enjoy the graphics. My body feels very light and edgeless right now.  And that "cute little smile" is back on my face! Thank you! Thank you! xoxo

Mar 08 at 09:27 AM

Andrew & Clelia I am enjoying "being accountable" to you and Refeel Yoga! It is something I look forward to each day.

thank you and xoxo
