Elizabeth Marlow

San Anselmo, CA, United States

Commented on 777 HIIT Kundalini

Feb 21 at 07:08 PM

Namaste, Andrew! Sending you and Clelia lots of love! xoxo

Andrew & CleliaThank you very much, Andrew. This is very helpful information. I am trying to incorporate as many of these magical bandhas into my every day life and yoga practice as much as possible. xoxo


Feb 21 at 08:56 AM

thank you, Andrew! Another lovely class. xoxo

Replied on Nabhi Kriya Level 2

Feb 19 at 10:57 PM

Andrew & CleliaWill do! You know I LOVE a challenge! xoxo


Good Morning, Andrew! Is it okay to apply uddiyana banda along with the other two bandas when doing this pranayama? Thank you and xoxo

Commented on Nabhi Kriya Level 2

Feb 19 at 01:51 AM

wow! what a magical practice.  I will be doing this one regularly. For the first time, I felt my lower energy centers as very light and warm.  Usually, I experience the lower chakras as dark and inaccessible.  Thank you, Andrew! xoxo

Feb 18 at 12:24 AM

Thank you, Andrew! Happy Saturday! xoxo

Feb 17 at 10:04 AM

Andrew & Clelia No worries, Andrew!  I just love checking in every day. It keeps me honest! I am SO glad you leave the computers behind! and hope your retreats went well. xoxo


Feb 17 at 10:01 AM

thank you for introducing the Maha Mudra to me Andrew! I will be coming back to this one!  Also, where is that park? I want to be there! xoxo

Ashleigh James you are so welcome, Ashleigh!  So glad I can support you in some small way.  Have a fabulous day and here's to more healing for the both of us - Refeel Yoga Style!

