Elizabeth Marlow

San Anselmo, CA, United States

Commented on Kundalini Breathwork

Feb 15 at 09:21 PM

Hi Andrew, I love the tropical setting you are in. It's our cold and rainy season here in California and I imagine myself on that warm, seaside balcony!


Ashleigh James Hi Ashleigh, what resonates with me about the words "mother wound" is my own relationship with my mother and my sisters. And all the negative energies are there in those relationships! I can't cut them out of my life so, how can I transform these negative energies into positive ones so that our time together is more peaceful and loving - this transformation is my greatest challenge. The phrase also reminds me of the "sacred wound" that we all carry. Can I heal my own wound through the love of the mother/the divine feminine?  This is my contemplation right now.  Thank you so much for contributing to my process! Have a wonderful day, Ashleigh! xoxo


Feb 14 at 07:08 PM

"train yourself to ride the waves of your own inner energy." I will contemplating this all day, Andrew. thank you, xoxo

"mother wound" - I really like this language, Ashleigh and will add it to my contemplations of my own wounding patterns.  Just curious, what the phrase means to you.



Feb 13 at 06:55 PM

thank you, Andrew. xoxo

Feb 13 at 04:50 AM

thank you once again, Andrew! xoxo

Feb 12 at 01:20 AM

Cassondra Vellucci This is an excellent idea, Cassondra! 

Andrew, I would love to explore the Gayatri Mantra. It is so special and I would like to make sure I am pronouncing all the syllables correctly. Thank you both! xoxo


Feb 12 at 01:15 AM

feeling motivated to clean the house! thank you, Andrew! xoxo

Commented on Akashi Mudra

Feb 11 at 01:02 AM

Hi Andrew, I enjoyed this one as  my vision is changing as I age.  I also enjoy learning these small but mighty practices. I can do them at my desk at work or at stop light when on the road. Thank you and have a wonderful week-end!


Wow! what a beautiful spot, Ashleigh. Heaven on earth indeed and the the perfect place to experience Refeel Yoga. thank you for sharing the photo. xoxo
