Elizabeth Marlow

San Anselmo, CA, United States

Hi Andrew, during this class I had the realization/experience of how much of my desire nature is rooted in trying to combat fear within myself. I really felt this at svadisthana chakra.  In doing Refeel Yoga everyday for almost three months I am starting to understand what these subtle bodies are all about. I could write so much more but for now, I will leave us with one word: Magic! xoxo

Mar 30 at 11:22 PM

Thank you, Andrew!  And....the promotional video for your retreat looks SO inviting and beautiful.  The small size is very appealing to me. I can't make it in 2024 but I am asking the universe to make space for me to attend one the future.  xoxo

Mar 30 at 07:41 AM

thank you, Andrew! see you tomorrow! xoxo

Commented on Day 25: Pure Fire

Mar 28 at 07:37 PM

thank you, Andrew! This one really blow off the stress hormones! xoxo

Mar 27 at 06:56 PM

added this one to my favorites! xoxo

Mar 27 at 09:07 AM

Andrew & Clelia Thank you so much, Andrew. I certainly will. :)


Mar 27 at 09:07 AM



Mar 25 at 05:36 PM

have a beautiful day, Andrew! xoxo

Mar 25 at 06:48 AM

Hi Andrew, thank you for another lovely class.  This morning I woke up and my mind was  out of control and negative. I forced myself (I really wanted to run away with distractions) to lie on the couch and do belly breathing and then Maha Yoga.  Slowly, I felt my mind calm down and into a lighter place. I still feel a little agitated but I can see it and know that it will pass with time and breath.  The magic of pranayama (and Refeel Yoga)! xoxo

Mar 23 at 09:50 PM

sounds magical, Rachel! xoxo
