Elizabeth Marlow

San Anselmo, CA, United States

Jun 08 at 08:29 PM

Thank you, Andrew! I really like this practice and can see integrating Sama Vritti into my daily life very easily! xoxo

Jun 07 at 05:54 PM

thank you Andrew and Clelia! Really enjoying this course. You two are so adorable! xoxo

Jun 06 at 05:53 PM

Hi Clelia, Thank you for this new practice!  So different from any other meditation I have done.  I too had similar experiences to Rachel and Jill. I will take your advice to remain unattached.  My eyes watered and itched quite a lot during this meditation and I had close them frequently.  I always like to "power through" any activity so this was humbling for me.  

One question:  I perform my sadhana before the sun comes up without natural light. I do keep the electric light very low.  Is this okay? Should I use a candle for light?

thank again for this fun and challenging practice! xoxo

Jun 05 at 05:40 PM

Thank you, Clelia. xoxo

Jun 04 at 05:30 PM

Thank you so much for these kinds and supportive words, Andrew. I will reach out when I need to.  Really enjoying the beginning of level 3! xoxo


Jun 04 at 05:28 PM

Hi Rachel! Have a wonderful day! xoxo


Jun 04 at 05:28 PM

Thank you Clelia.  I had not been contracting my throat muscles with Jalandhara bandha. I will be more conscious of that now. xoxo

Jun 03 at 05:47 PM

hee! hee! Just started Level 3 today! xoxo


Jun 03 at 05:45 PM

Hi Rachel! Have a beautiful day! xoxo

Jun 03 at 05:45 PM

Hello Andrew and Clelia, I made it! I did it! In January I made the commitment to myself to practice Kunalini every day and if I did, I would treat myself to Level 3.  I just watched the first few classes and am so excited to be here. I am looking forward to learning more and getting to experience Clelia's teaching style.  You are so glamorous, Clelia! I love it!

I am starting each day with the Guru Mantra and 6 rounds of Surya Namaskar.  

Will be sending questions along the way. xoxo