Elizabeth Marlow

San Anselmo, CA, United States

Mar 23 at 08:34 AM

hi andrew, your youtube comments made me curious about your subscribers - 46K! When I found you last year (about this time, I think) you were in the 30K range.  Congratulations! May more people find your channel and then make their way to Refeelyoga.com! xoxo

Mar 23 at 06:48 AM

I did not notice this Andrew. Super helpful. Thank you! What about a filter for the bandas and breathing techniques? Just a thought!


Mar 21 at 08:59 AM

Hi Andrew, thank you so much for this class! I am really enjoying this challenge because most of these pranayama I can do throughout my day - ocean breath waiting for my computer to turn on, nadi shoshodana for a few minutes at lunch, belly breathing in traffic. The cumulative affect of these brief practices during the day truly are changing my life!  I could write SO much more but please know how grateful I am God brought Refeel Yoga into my life! xoxo

Mar 19 at 05:54 PM

Andrew & Clelia. And thank you, Andrew for taking the time to respond to me.  It is so special to share my Refeel journey with you. I appreciate all your thoughtful feedback and LOVE! xoxo

Mar 19 at 05:51 PM

I love Wim Hof too! Thank you for introducing Wim and his technique to me, Andrew. xoxo

Mar 19 at 07:22 AM

Andrew & Clelia. It is always good to come back to yourself, Andrew. It is our home. xoxo

Mar 19 at 07:21 AM

yipee! day 15! feeling calmer in general and today was a stressful day - but I could see the stress more clearly and just allow it to be rather than getting as caught up in the stress as have in the past. Thank you, Andrew! xoxo

Commented on Day 14: Going Deeper

Mar 18 at 02:14 AM

I like your flowery t-shirt, Andrew. You compliment Frida nicely!


Mar 16 at 08:49 PM

Andrew & Clelia Hi Andrew, Thank you SO much for this wonderful explanation of nostril breathing.  I do many of the practices early in the morning (around 3:30am or 4am) and the right nostril is still sleepy, which makes sense based your teaching above.  I would love to learn more about Swara Yoga as it sounds fascinating and also so relevant to where the sinus cavity is in the body and what it is next to: Ajna chakra (pituitary and pineal glands), vishuddah chakra (thyroid, parathyroid, larynx), and the auditory system (a combo of Ajna and vishuddah?).  I am a nurse practitioner in a very western style practice and I LOVE learning about the chakra systems and how we can heal the body without pharmaceuticals.  

So, YES PLEASE - a video on Swara Yoga!


Mar 16 at 08:39 PM

Happy Saturday, Andrew & Clelia! xoxo