Elizabeth Marlow

San Anselmo, CA, United States

Jul 03 at 06:02 PM

well, that was a lot fun!  Hi Andrew!  Since I have been doing JTTC during the week I have been creating my own kundalini work-outs, which has been good to ground all the learning within me but I was missing your classes and all the community. And I really enjoyed this one.  All my neck pain is gone and I am warmed up for singing! xoxo

Jun 29 at 08:26 PM

I am feeling light and lovely! thank you, Clelia! xoxo

Jun 22 at 09:40 PM

Doing these long practices has become a wonderful Saturday morning routine!  I could not believe I held wheel for the full minute!  During the week, after each lecture I have been doing my own kundalini practice based on what I have learned over the past six months and in this current course. It's a challenge to keep myself focused without your guidance, Andrew! 

I am definitely experiencing a clarity of mind I have not had before as well as greater mastery over my more negative thoughts and feelings - everything, the bad and the good of myself, is becoming less charged. I am getting a sense of Sattvic balance. It is delightful!


Jun 19 at 07:43 PM

Thank you, Andrew! I love all these new pranayama techniques.  They make me feel so healthy! xoox

Commented on Empowering Purpose

Jun 17 at 05:59 PM

Hi Andrew, when you were talking about the tamasic energy of manipura I could really relate. That attitude has been a big part of my personality.  But yoga, especially the classes on Refeel Yoga, have really helped bring my consciousness to a sattvic level.


Jun 15 at 08:45 PM

Thank you so much, Clelia! I feel very light and dissolved in Svadistana.  My eyes remained steady for the longest they ever have in Trataka!  Trataka is also improving my dry eyes. Since starting this practice (I do it every day now) my eyes are less irritated and itchy.

thank you! xoxo

Jun 11 at 05:34 PM

Thank you, Clelia! xoxo

Jun 10 at 05:54 PM

Thank you, Clelia. Looking forward to the practice. xoxo

Jun 09 at 08:43 PM

Hi Andrew, I feel so light and energized in Muladhara after this practice!  I love the Sama Vritti Pranayama and will include this in my singing warm-ups.  It will also be a good pranayama to call on when I am feeling stressed or too much in my head.  

I am loving the yantra/bindi mediation as well. It feels as if my mind is stabilizing especially during times of tension, as I had yesterday.  I could better visualize my mind in its stressed state and while it was uncomfortable, I was able to stay with the discomfort and not try to escape from it as much as I have habitually done.  

Looking forward to the next lessons. Thank you! xoxo

Jun 08 at 08:29 PM

Thank you, Andrew! I really like this practice and can see integrating Sama Vritti into my daily life very easily! xoxo