Elizabeth Marlow

San Anselmo, CA, United States

May 11 at 08:16 PM

Thank you, Andrew. I am grateful for Kundalini.  I have been practicing yoga (mostly vinyasa) for 25 years and only in the last 2 years found Kundalini.  There are so many ways it has helped me soften into to life and into myself.  I am so happy to have you as a guide as I discover more about this magical practice!  Thank you and xoxo

May 09 at 06:11 PM

I did it! I was SO nervous because I had to tell a few people I could not do something (I thought) they wanted me to do.  I was transparent and honest and you know what I received back?  Understanding and kindness! wow! xoxo


May 09 at 06:09 PM

Thank you, Andrew.  This practice made me realize how much more self-love I need to give myself.  I have been working on self-love for the last four years and that love has really grown within me yet, I see how much deeper I can go towards love and gentleness for myself by myself.  And when I engage in that kind love I feel my whole being soften towards others and the world around me. The rewards are profound. It seems like self-love should be easy but it is not (for me anyway).  Thank you for all the guidance with this. xoox

May 08 at 06:56 PM

thank you so much, Andrew! I have a challenge at work that I need to address today and I feel ready - confident and balanced. xoxo

May 08 at 09:55 AM

I love you too, Andrew.  And I am thankful you and Clelia for creating Refeel Yoga. It's such a home to me. xoox

May 06 at 06:33 PM

Thank you, Andrew. It is interesting because I felt more connected to Svadhithasana and Muladara chakras in working with manipura chakra today. Both those chakras felt clearer to me and less dense.  My whole lower body was more connected.  Also I was able to get through stretch pose without dropping my head down! thank you again and xoxo!

May 06 at 02:55 AM

thank you, Andrew. I shared this class my sister who is visiting me this week-end.


May 04 at 07:31 PM

Thank you so much Andrew.  This is a very helpful suggestion. I will do it. xoxo


Karen Baxter Hi Karen, YES! This is fun! I enjoy reading your comments and experiencing this 30-day challenge with you. xoxo


May 04 at 07:28 PM

Wow! My second chakra area is dense! I could hardly sense it.  Looking forward to more opening of this area during this course. thank you, Andrew! xoxo