Elizabeth Marlow

San Anselmo, CA, United States

Jan 15 at 12:54 AM

yes, Karen! I had the experience of floating too. I felt tears running down my cheeks and I was smiling at the same time. thank you for sharing your experience.


Jan 15 at 12:52 AM

Day 13 done (on Day 14).  I loved the view of the river! What fabulous place you have, Andrew! I am so happy for you and Clelia.

Jan 15 at 12:52 AM

yes, Yesenia. I had the same experience.


Jan 13 at 08:42 AM

Day 12 done and feeling groovy! Happy Friday everyone!

Jan 12 at 09:10 AM

I was in the car commuting home and suddenly I felt this "cute little smile" on my face with the thought of doing day 11 of Kundalini Beginnings. It never ceases to amaze me how just a few kriyas and a short savasana each day are  my life. Thank you, Andrew! xoxo

Jan 11 at 11:58 AM

Day 10 done! My throat chakra feels lighter and I can sense the energetic vibrations more readily now. thank you! xoxo

Hi Yesenia, I joined Refeel from YouTube a few months ago and am so glad I did. I love regular yoga but Refeel's Kundalini practices really do connect mind and body with spirit.  So excited you found Refeel too. Andrew and Clelia are so sweet and such wonderful teachers.  "see" you around the community! :)


Jan 10 at 10:05 AM

Day 9 Done! Feeling wonderful, as always. Thank you Andrew and Clelia!


Jan 10 at 10:04 AM

welcome Nadine! so glad you joined Refeel. Andrew and Clelia are truly special people!


Jan 09 at 08:52 AM

Andrew & Clelia I love NVC!  Many years ago I part of a small non-profit that taught NVC to folks coming out of prison. We all got so much out of it. thank you so much for the reminder of NVC - a very useful addition to my current inner work. Thank you! 
