Elizabeth Marlow

San Anselmo, CA, United States

Jan 20 at 07:49 AM

This did, indeed, give me a chuckle Andrew.  Your breathing reminds of the sound a jackhammer makes!


Jan 20 at 02:53 AM

Hi Andrew, I loved this one today (but I love all the days!). Although we are not in the same physical space, your teachings and the kundalini itself transcends the distance between us. I am enjoying being part of this community and am starting experience what "one consciousness" is.  With a cute little smile, xoxo

Jan 19 at 08:01 AM

"adore" is the perfect word for Andrew's classes, Rain! I feel the same way!


Jan 19 at 08:00 AM

hi Yogis, the video is working now, a little pixelated but I got through no problem. As always, beautiful class and way to end my day. Thank you, Andrew!


Jan 18 at 11:09 AM

Just what I needed at the end of the day! thank you!

Jan 18 at 11:08 AM

good luck and have fun on your adventure, Max!


Jan 17 at 10:00 AM

this was perfect for me, Andrew as I have been focusing on my Throat chakra a lot recently. thank you! xoox

Jan 16 at 06:17 AM

day 15 done!  I have been focusing the throat chakra quite a bit because there is an energetic block there.  Could that be the reason why I have developed a cough?  I thought it was left over from a cold but I feel very healthy otherwise. thanks so much, Andrew.  Just loving this challenge! xoxo

Jan 15 at 01:23 AM

Andrew & Clelia so glad to hear that you make sure you have some digital free time.  So important! xoxo


Jan 15 at 01:21 AM

day 14 done!  feeling so happy!