Harold Lampasso

Manitou Springs, CO, United States

Aug 06 at 09:37 PM

Thank you so much! It would be an honor to guide you on a journey one day! 

Namaste 🙏 


Jul 19 at 08:32 PM

I had to take some time to send out gratitude and thanks to Andrew & Clelia. (I hope you won’t be offended) 

I started my journey with them well over 2 years ago I believe after  I was led to one of their vids on YouTube after a health scare I had. 

Through their amazing energy and masterful way of teaching Kundalini I was eventually led to breathwork where i eventually became a Soma Certified Breathwork Instructor. Without them I would not be on this amazing journey. We’re so blessed to have access to you both and the knowledge you purvey. 

One of the amazing things I’ve loved on this journey is learning how thousand + year old pranayama and kundalini technique benefits are now being proven by modern science. 

For Instance chanting “Aum” activates our vagus nerve. This helps take us out of fight/flight (sympathetic nervous system) putting us into rest/digest mode (parasympathetic nervous system)! Practicing Mula Bandha not only helps (among other things) strengthen our pelvic region it creates a positive stress response which helps create adaptability and resilience. So many other benefits to! 

Crazy to think without all the modern science and gadgets these yogis were able to create these techniques that we are enjoying millennia later! 

Again I’m so grateful to you both! 

Thank you for letting me post. 


Dec 31 at 08:18 PM

Can’t wait! 


Dec 28 at 09:06 PM

I literally thought the same when I first heard of it! 


Dec 26 at 11:13 PM

Thank you, Clelia! That was intensely beautiful and a great way to end the year! 

Dec 17 at 09:51 PM

Andrew & Clelia YES! Love it. Have done it a few times since you released. Love the variations of the Ego Eradicator. Funny in the first class I found from you on YouTube I thought you called it the “Eagle Eradicator!”  Lol. I was like “WOW” what a cool name. 😂😂😂


Dec 10 at 08:44 PM

Andrew & Clelia Thank you! I appreciate your willingness to teach! 


Dec 09 at 10:07 PM

Andrew & Clelia Thank you. That's who I heard it from. What happens when one is "initiated?" 

Dec 09 at 10:05 PM

Looks like another amazing practice coming our way!


Dec 05 at 12:10 AM

Andrew & Clelia is there a difference between Shambhavi mudra and Shambhavi mahamudra? If so can you explain please? 
