Harold Lampasso

Manitou Springs, CO, United States

Dec 02 at 11:59 PM

Can't play, but it's up on Youtube..... Another excellent practice!

Andrew & Clelia Thank you. Had another experience this morning. I'll try to explain as best I can.

While most experiences I've had doing Kundalini were peaceful experiences this one did not feel that way. It was after the life nerve stretch while holding the bandhas. I again lost sense of time and hearing, but this time it felt toxic. At first, I experienced weird flashes of experiences that I can't remember, which felt negative and toxic. This led me to feel nauseous. It tensed my neck and gave me a headache when I came back. Like it put me into fight/flight mode. Sounds crazy I know. I did stay with the rest of the practice upon which I focused on my Anahata chakra.

Maybe it had a detox effect on my being? 

For some reason this isn't working on my computer, but the shorter version on youtube is. No icon pops up to press play, if that makes sense. 

Oct 27 at 11:52 PM

Andrew & Clelia Thank you. Even though was for a moment it was amazing and kinda freaky at the same time. But it’s what I’m searching for in doing Kundalini. Thank you both for being such great Guru’s! 


Oct 26 at 10:34 PM

2nd day I've done this practice. I've had 2 interesting experiences. Yesterday after the life nerve stretch while doing retention and the Mula bandhas I had a moment where I lost track of time and didn't hear anything not even Andrew's voice bringing on the neck rotations. This morning I had a similar experience during the neck rotations. I didn't hear Andrew say to switch directions. before I realized it, he was on to the next pose. Pretty wild experience. Namaste. 

Another AMAZING practice. Namaste. 

Oct 22 at 09:48 PM

Thank you for another amazing practice! I wish my knee was healed so I could get into full expression of the kneeling poses. Namaste. 

Oct 12 at 11:42 PM

Loved it! When doing some of the poses a voice in my head kept saying: "It's ok. Let go. Release." Another amazing class. Namaste. 

Oct 04 at 08:36 PM

Andrew & Clelia That’s a good question. Lol. It’s possible. 


Oct 02 at 08:25 PM

This class is locked for me. I did the complete spinal series yesterday. I logged out and in and refreshed the page. It says it will be available in 1 day. I searched for the class on the landing page and was able to enter that way.