Harold Lampasso

Manitou Springs, CO, United States


Yesterday I had the coolest experience while doing the meditation portion of class. While sitting in sukhasana with my palms up on my lap the vision, appearance, feeling, for lack of better words I guess of 2 yellow lotus flowers; one resting in each palm came to me. Energy felt like it was flowing from my palms. I wasnā€™t even thinking of anything related. Was an amazing feeling. Ā Donā€™t know what it means or even if it means anything. Ā 

Sep 21 at 08:25 PM

Andrew & CleliaĀ Excited for the next challenge!Ā 


Sep 21 at 12:32 AM

Andrew & CleliaĀ Thank yo for taking the time to reply. I will take some time to digest and reflect. Everything you said makes perfect sense. I too like variety but sometimes I like to do the same class over as it lets me get deeper into it and have different experiences.Ā 

Namaste and thank you both for being such amazing teachers and guides.Ā 



Sep 19 at 10:02 PM

I've been practicing with you and Clelia for almost a year now. Steadier for the past 8 months or so. All of it has been an awesome journey.

I'm wondering if there might be a better schedule for enhancing my practice/growth than what I am doing now. Currently, I wake up and do whatever class I feel like that day. Would it be better to do one class straight for a week or so and then move on? Or a better flow than what I am doing now? I realize there is a certain freedom and flexibility in how I practice now, but I'd like to see if there is something better. Does that make sense? Namaste!


Sep 19 at 09:55 PM

Loved it! Can't believe I waited so long to try that practice!Ā 

Commented on What do you prefer?

Sep 06 at 08:05 PM


Commented on Kundalini Fusion

Aug 31 at 10:02 PM

Beautiful practice with sage words towards the end. Thank you!

Aug 18 at 05:35 PM




Aug 06 at 11:27 PM

Iā€™m interested to find out more about the esoteric side of Kundalini. Iā€™ve had some interesting experiences but would like to know everyone elseā€™s experiences if theyā€˜ve had any and want to share.Ā 

Iā€™ve at times felt like my body was floating, have had intense emotional releases, and have felt like I was in other places besides this reality. Often when Andrew says ā€œGently coming back,ā€ I generally donā€™t want to. Lol. I have no intention of these experiences going in to whichever practice I do for the day.Ā 

Itā€™s been an awesome ride with Andrew and Clelia!Ā 

Thank you!Ā 


Excellent. Itā€™s like a retraining for our breath. Breathingā€¦. Something so simple we donā€™t have to think about, yet weā€™ve forgotten how to do it because of daily stressors causing us to shallow breath.Ā 

Thank you Andrew!!Ā