Elizabeth Marlow

San Anselmo, CA, United States

Jun 02 at 07:18 PM

Hi Andrew, There are so many things I have received from this program but the most impactful hit me 4 days ago.  I had an intense moment of clarity of where I saw and, am still seeing, all of my flaws, shadows, and secrets within myself.  This witnessing is in not a negative or judgmental way but with honesty and acceptance. I can see myself fully and love myself fully for the first time.  I am still processing/experiencing this realization and suspect I will be for a long time.  

This breakthrough came about because of this program and doing Refeel Yoga classes on most days since January.  All the practices give me a lot strength to handle and be gentle with intense emotional and mental states and the parts of myself that I try to hide.  It's all coming out!  And even though, the past few days have painful (in a way) they have also been very joyful because I am accepting myself.  

I do feel as if I have "ascended" because of this course and will continue to do so! 

Thank you! xoxo

Jun 02 at 12:11 AM

what a lovely and balancing practice!

Thank you, Andrew! xoxo

May 31 at 06:07 PM

Indeed! Sending thoughts to the universe that it works out as it is supposed to. xoxo


May 31 at 06:06 PM

thank you, Andrew....reflecting... xoxo

May 29 at 10:58 PM

That sounds wonderful Andrew.  A livestream might be a fun way to get all your students together and strengthen the community you and Clelia are building even further. xoxo


May 29 at 10:55 PM

Hi Andrew, I am getting over a cold and really had to take it easy today but I am always glad when I come to the mat with Refeel Yoga!  I also really enjoy reading the comments of my fellow students. It makes this remote type of learning feel very close. xoxo

May 27 at 06:05 PM

Thank you, Andrew! This was a really nice sequence. I can see doing this one a regular basis. I loved the six extra Suyra Namaskar too! xoxo

May 26 at 08:57 AM

Hi Andrew, I am really enjoying this program! I am having the experience of my body dissolving during the practices to such an extent that if someone were to hug or touch me there would be no physical form to touch.  It is a delightful experience! And am I finding during my day-to-day life I can call on this memory experience and it makes all life so much less stressful. Thank you! xoxo

May 24 at 06:02 PM

Hi Rachel, I am going to start level 3 expansion after this course too! It is my treat to myself for practicing with Andrew every day for 6 months! (I can't believe I did it!). Looking forward to "seeing" you and reading your comments during level 3.



May 24 at 05:59 PM

Thank you Andrew! I can feel the subtle vibrations moving between anahata and vishuddha. xoxo