Elizabeth Marlow

San Anselmo, CA, United States

Jan 29 at 01:09 AM

Hi Andrew, I did a very challenging hike today with a lot of steep uphills. I had not done this hike in a while. I thought my heart would be jumping out of my chest, but nope! It is still incredible to me how such a brief and gentle practice can have such powerful, positive effects, physically, mentally, and spiritually.  Thank you Andrew and Clelia for creating such a magical space for me to get healthy! xoxo

Jan 28 at 12:33 AM

Hi Andrew, thank you for the lovely class once again.  I have been enjoying exploring Vishudda chakra and feeling a new strength and clarity in my voice as well as more awareness of choosing my words carefully and sometimes just being silent and still when I am with others - a realization that sometimes saying nothing is often the best thing.

  As always, thank you and xoxo

Jan 27 at 08:02 AM

That would be wonderful, Andrew! looking forward to your next 30 day program. Whenever that is.  I am so impressed with this course. It is such an undertaking to create a 30 day program the way you have. You make it look so easy though I know a lot of effort when into it. xoxo


Jan 27 at 08:00 AM

lovely practice, Andrew.  This week has been busy for me so even though my mind was active during the class, I could feel the calming energies of the kriyas.


Jan 25 at 07:41 PM

Good Morning Everyone from California, USA! Thank you Andrew for this lovely practice. Feeling grounded, connected and ready to have a fantastic day! xoxo

Jan 25 at 08:41 AM

thank you so much, Andrew! another terrific practice!


Jan 24 at 10:05 AM

Hello Andrew, I really enjoy your brief teachings especially with the more esoteric material. It helps me understand the purpose of what we are doing with Kundalini. 

thank you and xoxo

Jan 22 at 07:04 PM

keep on singing, brother! I love it! And today was the first time I could feel the energy moving with ease through Vishudda chakra. In the past it has been getting stuck there but not today. Very exciting for me. I attribute the movement to this daily challenge (and now, daily habit).  Namaste and xoxo

Jan 22 at 01:45 AM

So happy to have a quite a few people to hug today as I am seeing some friends I have not seen in a while.  Can't wait embrace them Refeel Yoga style! xoxo

Jan 21 at 05:10 AM

really enjoyed today! I am Kundalini is starting become a daily habit for me.
