Harold Lampasso

Manitou Springs, CO, United States

Jul 01 at 09:19 PM

Andrew & Clelia Today is a 3 year milestone for me. On this day 3 years ago at age 48 I suffered a stroke. I have no underlying health issues that would have caused it. It's a milestone as my neurologist told me that 30-40% of the people who have my stroke die within the 1st 3 years. Well, I'm still here. LOL. A little over a year and a half ago I came across Refeel Yoga on Youtube. Andrew and Clelia have been a part of my daily journey, struggles, healing and all without even knowing since then. You both have made the journey better for myself and my family and I just want to let you know how much I appreciate you both and what you do here. While the struggles still exist on a daily basis as a result, being able to do your classes pretty much daily have had a profound impact on me. Again, thank you and Namaste! 


Jul 01 at 08:20 PM


Day 1 down! Excited to keep this going! Thank you Andrew & Clelia for putting together another exciting 30 day practice! 

Replied on Lift Yourself Up

Jun 29 at 09:36 PM

Andrew & Clelia Too funny! Second day doing this practice. I have noticed, during this practice more than any other that the chatter in my mind is off the chart. I'm finding it hard to focus more so than any other class I've done with you and Clelia. A lot of it is negative self-talk which is odd cause I thought I dealt with this a long time ago.  Definitely going to continue as it's doing something! Hopefully releasing the "monkey mind." Can't wait for the new class coming 1 July! 


Commented on Lift Yourself Up

Jun 28 at 09:22 PM

So many favorites sometimes it’s hard to choose what practice to do! Love it. Thank you. 

Jun 25 at 12:04 AM

Enjoyed this Andrew. Thank you. Haven’t done many classes in past 2 weeks but this was a great comeback class! The ego eradicator always gets me. Feel such energy after sweeping the arms down. Feel like that should have it’s own 30 minute class. Lol! 


Decided to do class on my deck this morning. This is my view! What a difference I felt doing it outside surrounded by nature’s energy rather than in my house. Can’t really see it but there’s still a tone of snow on Pike’s Peak! 

Jun 04 at 08:48 PM

Andrew & Clelia I have  done the interval one several times now. Always a challenge. So many things come up when I do this bandha. 


May 31 at 08:54 PM

Super excited for this! Luckily, I'll be getting to do most of the 30 days when I'm Costa Rica!

May 31 at 08:48 PM

That was an amazing practice! WOW! Intense... but not. Definitely one of my new favorites! Funny in many of the classes I do with you when you say, "Gently coming back." Wherever I am I often find myself not wanting to. lol. Thank you for another great one!

Commented on Svadhistana Kriya

May 30 at 08:52 PM

Really enjoy this class. The music you play during shavasna is amazing. Where did you find it?