Elizabeth Marlow

San Anselmo, CA, United States

Jan 03 at 09:48 AM

here's more fun and creativity in 2024 - Refeel Yoga Style! 


Jan 03 at 09:47 AM

Day 2 done! perfect for the end of the day. My goal is to do the entire challenge. Looking forward this! xoxo

Jan 02 at 02:12 AM

Happy New Year, Andrew and Clelia! Looking forward this 30-day journey with you. It will be a wonderful way to start the new year.


Dec 22 at 09:48 AM

wonderful, Andrew! I am really enjoying these classes which focus on the chakras.  Your full courses look interesting too.  Will create some space to take the expansion course in 2024.


Replied on Ego Eradicator

Dec 17 at 02:06 PM

hi Andrew, I think just lower rather than silence  would be perfect because then it gives the feeling of being in an actual class with you. Also hearing your pace of breathing is motivating and something to work towards in my own breath practice. Also, I really enjoyed the music during savasana. It was relaxing and stimulating at the same time. 

Thanks again so much!


Commented on Ego Eradicator

Dec 16 at 09:44 AM

Thank you Andrew, Andy and Harold!  I really enjoyed this practice and feel wonderful!  We are having Christmas dinner with our "chosen family" tomorrow and I am totally energized to clean the house and set a beautiful table for our closest friends.  I will be adding this class to my regular practice. Also, Thank you Andrew for turning down your breathing sounds, makes it easier for me to focus on my own breathing.


Congratulations Andrew and Clelia on your beautiful new space. I loved this class and had been waiting all week to do it! Can't wait for more from in your new Shala and I look forward to watching and participating in its transformation! xoxo

Nov 19 at 06:37 AM

so looking forward to seeing your new space Clelia & Andrew! Best of luck finding the perfect location for your home and your studio. Can't wait to try some of your new courses.

And...Happy Belated Birthday, Granny!


Nov 04 at 08:04 AM

Hello Andrew and Cecilia,

I am so happy I joined Refeel Yoga!  It is so nice to come home on a Friday night after a busy week and have so many fun kundalini courses to choose from. Tonight I did this one and Day 25.  I feel super relaxed and ready to enjoy the rest of the evening.

Much love to you both!


Oct 23 at 11:01 AM

Hi Andrew, I really enjoyed this class.  I drank too much yesterday (😜) and this class helped me feel better.  It is a very nice length too. I LOVE your studio space! The purple accents against the white walls and shelving give the space an ethereal yet professional feel.