Elizabeth Marlow

San Anselmo, CA, United States

Commented on Day 1: Warming Up

Mar 02 at 11:43 AM

and, now I am ready for bed! Thank you, Andrew and xoxo

Feb 29 at 09:00 PM

108 times! Ready for crazy day! thank you and xoxo

Feb 29 at 09:57 AM

Andrew & Clelia. Thank you so much, Andrew! I love your support and really can feel my consciousness expanding as a result of daily Kundalini practice with you.  I am going to do the Breath Routine next because it will help me with my singing.  Thanks to you and Clelia for creating such a fabulous on-line space. Refeel always makes me feel terrific! xoxo


Commented on Nabhi Kriya Level 3

Feb 29 at 09:54 AM

wow! That was quite something, Andrew! I made it all the way through without stopping. I did the kriyas slowly and that really helped (as did thinking of having "flat sexy abs"!). I was tired when I got home from work and almost took a nap but I am so glad I got some Nabhi energy instead! I will be adding this one into my regular Refeel routine.

thank you SO much for this level 3! xoxo

Commented on Kriya For Sublimation

Feb 27 at 07:04 PM

another beautiful practice, Andrew! And...another challenge completed! What shall I do next??? Namaste and xoxo

Feb 27 at 08:38 AM

all my dreams are coming true!  Looking forward to taking the Expansion Chakra course later in the year! xoxo

Andrew & Clelia yesterday was terrific!  I just loved performing live with musicians and an audience. I was not nervous at all. I feel all the pranayama, kriyas, and asanas over the last two months have given me a sense of calm that is accessible to me anytime I need it! Thank you and Namaste! xoxo


Feb 26 at 02:13 AM

beautiful practice, Andrew! I will be coming back to this one. xoxo

Feb 24 at 09:30 PM

Hi Andrew, I did 5 rounds this morning.  I am singing with a band today - the first time ever! And I am ready! xoxo

Feb 23 at 10:03 AM

I did 36! the abdominal massage was very powerful! Looking forward to getting to 96 at some point! xoxo