Elizabeth Marlow

San Anselmo, CA, United States

Nov 04 at 08:04 AM

Hello Andrew and Cecilia,

I am so happy I joined Refeel Yoga!  It is so nice to come home on a Friday night after a busy week and have so many fun kundalini courses to choose from. Tonight I did this one and Day 25.  I feel super relaxed and ready to enjoy the rest of the evening.

Much love to you both!


Oct 23 at 11:01 AM

Hi Andrew, I really enjoyed this class.  I drank too much yesterday (😜) and this class helped me feel better.  It is a very nice length too. I LOVE your studio space! The purple accents against the white walls and shelving give the space an ethereal yet professional feel.  

Oct 11 at 11:32 AM

reading a book together is a lovely idea and a way to bring the community closer. 

Hi Andrew, I just loved this one!  All the breath work leading up to the meditation made it that much easier to relax into the music. I also noticed you turn down the sound of your own breathing when we are doing the exercises.  I appreciate that because it helps me focus on my own rhythm.  Finally, I want to say thank you to you and Celia. Since I have been doing Refeel Yoga classes I have been able to eliminate a lot of stress from my body. This week two recurrent stressors in my life appeared and I noticed I was not as physically stressed (no adrenaline) as in the past. And the first thought that popped into my head was "Oh, I can handle this" rather than my habitual negative response.  I was able to advocate for myself clearly and with tact. And, I did not feel the need to complain to everyone about the stress.  So, I am hooked on Refeel Yoga! Thank you both so much!


Sep 12 at 07:37 AM

great alternative to yin yoga. Thank you Andrew!

Commented on What do you prefer?

Sep 06 at 08:20 PM

Hi, black with white text is easier to read. :)

Andrew & Clelia

I hope you enjoy the combo!



Sep 03 at 11:53 PM

I paired with this class with your full length Complete Heart Opener class. What a fantastic combination!  I made it almost all the way to 2.5 minutes without a breath! I love the mental clarity this practice brought to me.  I could literally "see" in my mind's eye a few events that are coming up for me. It was magic to be able to visualize them in this way.  I am also a singer and will be adding this class to my regular exercises.  Thank you, Andrew!

Sep 03 at 10:57 PM

I really enjoyed this class.  i love the flow of the sun salutations. I feel as if I get a bit of work out before the pranayama.  Also, you speak just the right amount Andrew. You give just the right amount of guidance and also allow for so much silence within the poses.  I can really go inside.

Another delightful class, Andrew!  Perfect for a Friday after work de-stress. I am so glad I joined Refeel Yoga! xoxo